We start this week on a higher note as government gave the greenlight for sport resumption on Thursday last week effective October 17th 2020.
Renovations and cleaning up in and around the stadium continues, and this week the focus is on cleaning surroundings at the eastern gate opposite chez nightclub.
Richard Nkosi who is spearheading the initiative from the Silver secretariat says, “We have to make sure that our surroundings are clean as hygiene is our priority hence the exercise”.
There is a lot of garbage in the drains making water passage problematic, the garbage that is found here is been discarded by owners of shops and restaurants found in our vicinity here at Bwandilo and we will engage them to immediately stop this practice says Nkosi.
Football Association of Malawi will be visiting stadia across the country to check which stadiums are able to comply with measures that will be followed because of the covid-19 pandemic.

i like the initiative, well done comrades! Indeed hygiene is our priority..